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daun teh bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "daun teh"
  • daun:    foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of
  • teh:    milked tea; tea; teas; tee; tea leaf; teatime;
  • paradoks daun teh:    tea leaf paradox
  • teh daun kopi:    coffee-leaf tea
  • teh:    milked tea; tea; teas; tee; tea leaf; teatime; cuppa; gallic acid; camellia sinensis; afternoon tea
  • daun:    foliage; leaf; sheet; leaves; vane; piece of paper; blade; verdure; leafage; paper; pastern; page; leaf blade; needle; folio; axil
  • buat teh:    make tea
  • budaya teh:    tea culture
  • camca teh:    teaspoon
  • cangkir teh:    teacup; teapot
  • cawan teh:    teacup without handle
  • es teh:    ice tea; iced tea
  • kantung teh:    tea bag; teabag
  • kedai teh:    tea-room; tearoom; tea room; coffee shop; coffeehouse; cafe
  • keemun (teh):    keemun
  • And she reads tea leaves. I'm not kiddin'.
    Dan dia membaca daun teh aku tidak bercanda
  • Why don't you read some fucking tea leaves?
    Kenapa kau tak meminum beberapa daun teh ?
  • Freshly picked tea leaves have no scent.
    Daun teh yang baru saja dipetik tidak memiliki aroma.
  • Uh, I had a grandmother that read tea leaves.
    Aku punya nenek Yang bisa membaca daun teh.
  • Said color is inspired by the black tea.
    Barat menyebutnya teh hitam karena daun teh berwarna hitam.
  • Do you have any cold leaves, by chance?
    Apa ada daun teh dingin disini?
  • He also promised us, to share the tea leaf with us
    Dia janji akan berbagi daun teh dengan kita.
  • Uh, no, thank you, Annabel. It's time to read the leaves.
    `Tidak terima kasih annabel Sekarang saatnya membaca daun teh
  • So, you read tea leaves, then?
    Jadi kau bisa membaca daun teh?
  • But the leftover tea must be brought to the kitchen.
    Tapi daun teh yang tersisa itu menjadi bagian pembantu dapur.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5